
The offer relating to Self-Assessment, Peer Challenge & Review

The SLI programme coordinates and supports a yearly self-assessment and peer challenge process including:

  • Coordination and support to local authorities to produce outcomes focused self-assessment on a yearly basis
  • Set up and coordination of the regional DCS Peer Challenge Board to subject self-assessments to a process of peer challenge and undertake ‘challenge conversations’ with their matched DCS
  • Thematic analysis of all self-assessments to identify areas of innovative, effective practice across the region and shared areas of improvement
  • Coordination of regional benchmarking against a suite of key performance measures as part of the Self-Assessment and Peer challenge process (6 monthly and yearly review of data by the DCS Peer Challenge Board, and the production of in-year quarterly benchmarking reports for key regional networks)
  • Coordination of peer-led health checks for LAs in the region focusing on a particular service or theme (i.e. safeguarding, Looked After Children & Leaving Care, School improvement)